Are ya lost?

Let me help you out. Here are some links to get you back on track


This is the front page. If you want to learn more about me, this is probably the place to go. It's also a great starting point for exploration.

Adventure Log


A collection of personal logs where I chronical my day to day life, generally on a weekly basis.

Latest entry: 04 May 2024



A directory of what I've read and recommend others read, ordered by the year I read them.



A list of the tools and technologies I use to build and maintain this site.

Curriculum Vitae


A list of my work experience, education, and other professional information.



A list of all RSS feeds available from this website.



A periodically updated, high level overview of what I'm currently doing, experimenting with, learning, reading, or am otherwise interested in.



My favorite items are the things I carry and rely on every day. This is a list of those items.



This is the space I use to talk about my interests, ideas, and projects. Most of the time, this will be focused on front-end web design and development. You can subscrible to this list via XML RSS or JSON RSS.

Latest entry: Get a single item from an 11ty collection



A collection of my creative work including design, development, client work, and more.

Latest entry: ColorScale



This is a collection of quotes I've collected over the years that I think about occasionally, in no particular order.



This is the space I use to show one-off concepts, sketches, doodles, and other minor works.

Latest entry: Forgotten

Social Media

Other than this humble website, you can find me on the following platforms:

I have an account but am not active on these platforms: